Friday, 30 April 2010

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Photo tattoo design

portrait of the daughter inked on his arm
This free tattoo design is interesting - it tries to copy a photo (maybe of this guy's daughter) on his arm. Totally cool.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Lower back tattoo design

totem-like lower back tattoo
A tribal style lower back design, also like a totem.

Scorpio Tattoo Maycol Segura for Body Mens

Scorpio Tattoo Maycol Segura for Body MensScorpio Tattoo Maycol Segura for Body Mens

Scorpio Tribal Design

Scorpio Tribal DesignFinding the different types of scorpion designs is not difficult if you have access to internet. There are lots of free tattoo design sites that hosts many Scorpio tattoo designs. But I have found that the sketches in these free sites are mostly repeats. So, if you want something unique then the best approach if budget permit is to hire a good tattoo artist and tell him about your idea of scorpion tattoo.

From your ideas, tattoo artist will often come up with some fantastic design which is not only unique but looks quite amazing. If you are not satisfied with the first rough sketches of your artist then don't hesitate to tell him. Tell him what you like and what you don't in particular drawing. This way your artist will get the fairly good idea of what exactly you want. It is quite possible that you have to ask for 3-4 revisions before you get your desire scorpion tattoo.

Scorpio Zodiac Tattoos

Scorpio Zodiac Tattoos
Scorpio Zodiac Tattoos
If your birth date falls between 23rd October and 21st November then according to the western astrology your sun sign is Scorpio. One of the common traits among the lots of scorpion is they like tattoos and will spend any amount of time as well as money to get their desired tattoo.

For scorpions the best tattoo design that matches their personality is the symbol of Scorpio itself. Out of twelve zodiac signs the most complex sign is of Scorpio. Most of zodiac sign has one symbol associated with them. Like Aries the ram, Sagittarius the archer etc. But Scorpio has more than one symbol. Scorpion, Phoenix and Eagle are the symbols of Scorpio sign

There are great scopes to design the scorpion tattoo as artists are not struck up with only one symbol. With three symbols there are lots of permutation and combination.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Koi tattoo

koi tattoo design on the hip
Koi is a very amazing creature in Chinese culture - it can transform to be a dragon when it fights hard enough. That is why koi tattoo is kinda popular in China

Friday, 9 April 2010

Zodiac Tattoos

Zodiac tattoo designs are quickly catching up with lot of people. Several people are proud of their zodiac sign and would love to flaunt it. Though there is more to getting a zodiac tattoo than going to the tattoo artist, telling him your zodiac sign and he tattoos it on your skin. Well there is definitely more to it if you want to make it a masterpiece.

Firstly when where is talk about zodiac signs, it is assumed that reference is to sun signs commonly used in the west. But zodiac signs are also local to several cultures in the east. For example India and China have their set of zodiac signs. Both these culture also use 12 signs and the exact sign is determined by the date of birth of the individual. But these are based on complex lunar calendars.
Zodiac Tattoos
Chinese zodiac signs consist of 12 animals. But the signs are designed in a very creative manner. Chinese zodiac sign is determined by the year of birth of the individual according to the Chinese lunar calendar. Each Chinese calendar is represented by a particular sign. Indian zodiac signs also consist of 12 signs but these signs have different names and designs than those used in the west. To determine the Indian zodiac sign it is important to know the exact time of birth as this system is based on the movements of the moon across the celestial.

Once you have decided upon the zodiac design you will be get tattooed, you can go the easy way and just do a Google search on it and get hundreds of generic designs and use one of them. The disadvantage of this approach is that your tattoo will be really commonplace and no-one will even care to give it a second look. For example if you want to get a tattoo of Libra, you can just take a design showing two unbalanced scales and you are done. If all you want is to get some dime-a-dozen tattoo this should do, but if you want to get a special tattoo which will be gawked at, wherever you go, you will need to do more work on your zodiac design.
Zodiac Tattoos
Zodiac designs can be easily customized with some out of the box thinking. For example each zodiac sign is associated with a particular gem, so your design can be combined with a design of a gem, moreover each sign is associated with particular colors, so you can color tattoo based on that. Each zodiac sign is also associated with a particular earth element like fire, water, air, etc. You can use your imagination to combine your specific element with your zodiac sign to create a unique design.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Gemini Tattoos

The Gemini tattoo is among the most sought after of the astrological tattoos. For people born between May 22nd and June 23rd, there are very many tattoo designs which are formed around the Gemini theme.

In astrology, Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac. The accompanying tattoo revolves around the symbolism of twins, and the concept of duality, with Apollo and Artemis the deity images usually invoked.
Gemini Tattoos
Gemini tattoos represent the idea of twins in a variety of ways, through for instance, the use of Roman numerals, the depiction of twin cats, and blazing skulls.

Also common is the depiction of wolves from ancient Remus and Romulus mythologies. Roman numerals such as II often form the base for simpler designs. Important also to note is that Castor, the head of the right twin, and Pollux, the head of the left, are the two most important stars of the Gemini and hence get real prominence in Gemini tattoo symbolism.

For many people, the favoured location for the Gemini constellation tattoo is the arm or leg, with black ink the favoured coloring. Other favourites include the lower-back and stomach. Courtney Fox of Friends spots a white Gemini tattoo on her stomach.
Gemini Tattoos
Gemini tattoo designs vary greatly. Some designs are simple and small while others are large and elaborate. The basic theme can always be mixed with your personal images or lettering.

Before you head off to the tattoo parlour for a tattoo, you should first decide:

1) The size you want the tattoo to be.

2) What part of the body you want the tattoo placed.

3) The pedigree of the tattoo artist you are visting. You want the procedure done by a professional artist with a good reputation, in order to avoid mistakes, and discomfort during the procedure.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Lower Back Butterfly Tatoo

Lower Back Butterfly Tatoo

Lower Back Tattoos Flowers Tattoo

Lower Back Tattoos Flowers Tattoo

Female Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Cherry Blossom Tattoo Designs Especially Japanese Cherry Blossom Foot Tattoo